AlcoTest Pro

by Ruslan Valiahmetov


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Appendix "AlcoTest Pro" will be extremely useful not only for motorists but also to all those who sometimes consume alcoholic beverages. "AlcoTest Pro" will help to know how much you're actually drunk, can we now get behind the wheel or even worth the wait.In the Pro version:- No banners;- Choose from several themes;- Select Interface Language: Russian/English;
Interesting facts:The concentration of alcohol ( ethanol ) levels are measured in parts per million ( thousandths ).Alcohol reaches its maximum concentration after about half an hour after eating.
Warning:The results of calculations can not be evidence in court, as well as serve as a basis for challenging such as methods for determining the laboratory analysis or breathalyzer device. Calculation is conducted using mean values​​. Remember that the speed of intoxication and withdrawal of alcohol from the body of each person individually.